Thursday, August 16, 2012


There is no doubt that our family loves Mexico, Mexican food, and the celebrations that come with it. There is no reason not to start a girl early right? For Cinco de Mayo, Maddie got a little festive and wanted to dress up in her Mexican gear for lunch. By the way, this girl is going to be bilingual. Her nanny speaks to her only in Spanish! Hola Chica :).

Celebrating My Five Month Birthday - Bubble Fest

I cannot believe our little girl is already five months old. She is really starting to turn into Ms. Personality.

Some of her newest things:

- Turns over from tummy to back and from back to tummy consistently.... watch out world, this one is a tumbler!

- Got her ears pierced

- Can almost sit up completely on her own... just a couple more weeks!

- Really started to notice the dogs, can pull at their ears, tail, etc. (oh yeah... she likes to try and bit them as well... uh oh)

- Started trying different solid foods (but not consistently, just for fun... waiting on the doctors approval at her sixth month appt to start consistently).

        - Her favorite food so far is Peas and Sweet Potatoes! She is not so crazy about green beans!

- We think she is starting to get a tooth..... something is definitely bothering her!

- Starting to throw small temper fits... where she throws her arms all over the place and rips her Binky out! Oh lord help us!

- Can make additional vowel sounds... sometimes sounds like she is saying "hi" but we know that's just wishful thinking at this point.

- We bought her a ball pit, since she is starting to love toys. She seemed to like it the first time, but I'm not sure how she felt the second time around. We'll see!

Last but not least... she loves bubbles!

5 Months Old

I got my ears pierced!!

When Maddie was 5 months old, we decided it was time to get her ears pierced. I had my ears pierced when I was 8 weeks old and can't remember a thing, so I wanted Maddie to get them done early so she wouldn't remember either! When her ear was pierced, she immediately started crying like she does when she gets her shots. I picked her up and smiled and she stopped..... looked over at me....and smiled. I could just hear the voice in her head... "wait, you mean I'm not supposed to be hurt or sad... ok then." We chose little pink flowers as the first earrings and she looks like a beautiful little princess.

My First Mothers Day

Growing up, mother's day means that you get something special for your mom because that's what the holiday calls for. When I was little, my father used to always make sure I had a special gift for mom for mother's day. When you actually have your first mother's day, you realize what it is really about. After countless hours of rocking my baby girl to sleep/nap at all hours of the night, going to work with spit up on my shoulder, feeding after feeding, diaper after diaper....... mother's day is about showing your mom that you  understand all of that!! My first mother's day was a nice little fay strolling in the Marina with my hubby and our little one. Madison surprised me with a beautiful frame/flip book that had countless pictures of her and I from when she was born. While we didn't do anything grand, it was everything I imagined it to be.....